Eight Techniques for Establishing Your Expert Status on LinkedIn

in Business by Ling Wong

Eight Techniques for Establishing Your Expert Status on LinkedIn

Eight Techniques for Establishing Your Expert Status on LinkedIn 

Americans are being exposed to a variety of new spokespeople with extensive expertise in public health, small company trends, economic growth, and other topics during a national emergency. Many of these experts could never have envisioned being interviewed about a novel virus by CNN or The New York Times, but here they are. We are all gathered here. 

We are witnessing the impact of thought leaders who can transmit critical messages to the general public more than ever before. However, the value of thought leadership in media interviews surpasses even the epidemic. Whether you are an expert in public health or in strawberry picking in California (one of my favorite activities), you may be called upon to serve as a spokesperson at some point. You must be prepared. 

This invites the following question: How can you position yourself as the media's go-to expert? The following are eight helpful hints: 

1. Use social media to connect with members of the media

There are several channels that attract possible media contacts, such as reporters and producers, ranging from LinkedIn to Facebook and Twitter. Introducing yourself and exhibiting your knowledge of a subject will go a long way toward generating interest. Networking online is a guaranteed technique to get noticed in today's environment. 

2. Maintain an up-to-date LinkedIn presence and profile

There is no better social media network for professional contacts than LinkedIn, where people go to "check out" their colleagues and competitors. Neglecting your LinkedIn profile contributes nothing to your ability to communicate thought leadership. Keep it current with your area of expertise so that media members may identify you as relevant and newsworthy. 

3. Establish your own niche

Speaking of topic matter competence, you must ascertain what that entails for you. Avoid exaggerating your expertise, as this may come across as unbelievable. However, you should avoid becoming too specialized in your knowledge, as media members enjoy varied interviews. Identify and highlight your greatest strengths. 

4. Write articles with bylines

From opinion pieces to letters to the editor, publishing articles under your name is a proven way to gain attention from both local and national media. Writing bylined articles instills a sense of respectability, especially when they pertain to your area of expertise. Members of the media may even come find them spontaneously and approach you without your intervention.

5. Make pitches to relevant media outlets

Along with authoring articles, you must identify media people who cover stories directly related to your field of expertise. Direct them to breaking news, demonstrating that you are aware of their concerns. Demonstrate your concern and ability to assist them in becoming more informed on a topic or an issue.

6. Subscribe to HARO to receive daily leads for free

HARO is an acronym for Help A Reporter Out, a free daily service used by journalists to locate potential sources for interviews. Do not be frightened to utilize it. Being active on HARO establishes rapport with journalists in need, particularly those on a tight deadline. Once you establish your credibility, you may establish a relationship that will last a lifetime and prove beneficial to you in various ways.. 

7. Embed news outlets from "As Seen In" on your website

If you've previously conducted interviews, you should market them online. A history of media appearances establishes your credibility in the eyes of journalists, who never want to interview the wrong person. Like attracts like – the more interviews you conduct, the more at ease media members will feel in the future. 

8. If you receive a call, return it promptly

Members of the media are frequently pressed for time, and they dislike being kept waiting. Being responsive demonstrates your dependability. And, of course, express gratitude afterwards! The smallest details matter: Kindness and gratitude go a long way, and nurturing those relationships will help you gain popularity in the media. 

Unlike in the early years of my profession, we can now publish our own content online and build an independent body of work. However, being referenced as an expert by a professional journalist has a level of authority that social media and your own website cannot match. 

Google, too, recognizes the authority of news organizations such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and The Washington Post. Therefore, by following these procedures, your contact information will ideally be placed in the databases of top journalists as a go-to expert or authority in your industry, ready to be mentioned again.

About the Author

Ling Wong

Ling is a contributing Social Media author at ChamberofCommerce.com where she regularly consults on social media strategy. 

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