4 Software Development Trends Overtaking the Market

in Technology by Emily Snell

4 Software Development Trends Overtaking the Market

Programmers around the world are taking advantage of developing software trends to cut costs and capture new opportunities in 2019. Experts forecast several disruptive movements which will change the way that developers do business.

If you're looking for opportunities, several trends are emerging that can help you streamline development. The once innovative continuous delivery method is becoming an industry standard. Also, more developers are taking advantage of artificial intelligence and machine learning to detect threats and find opportunities for automation.

The following are four more software development trends that experts forecast will overtake the market in 2019.

1. Bringing Teams Together With DevOps

More organizations will switch from the waterfall method for software development to DevOps. DevOps enables collaboration between development and operations teams when bringing software to market.

For developers, DevOps is the epitome of operational performance. As more teams embrace DevOps philosophy, they'll turn to vendors to provide software solutions that support collaboration between the historically segregated development and operations business units.

2. Automation for Faster, Better Development

Software development automation tools empower programmers to store, share and manage proprietary code. For example, JFrog Artifactory integrates with Go Registry to allow DevOps teams to manage software code packages in a secure automated environment.

The software also gives team leaders the power to control access to resources as desired. More importantly, enterprises can share those assets securely. After onboarding team members and setting up workflows, enterprises can automate iteration and product deliveries as needed.

3. Low Code Development for Faster Time to Market

A growing number of databases, platforms and standards are making software development increasingly complex. Low code development suites enable programmers to create applications with far less manual coding.

Moreover, the technology automatically functions across a range of devices and platforms. As a result, programmers can focus on completing projects, rather than coding for a variety of endpoints.

4. A Need for IoT Standards Is Emerging

IoT insiders express that lack of a unified software standard is the biggest challenge to commercial mass deployment. Thought-leaders in the field predict that standardization discussions will mirror those that led to a consensus on the deployment of TCP/IP standards.

Proponents for the IoT call on software vendors to push for a consensus on the standards used to develop the programs that enable communication between commercial devices. Standards will increase in importance as more firms outsource IoT software needs.

Getting Started With Workflow Optimization

For firms who want to move away from manual coding, machine learning bots are a great place to start. This resource is an excellent way to ease into automation. Machine learning bots search for errors and reduce the likelihood of bugs making it to market.

Over time, your bots will learn more about your programmers' workflow. As the bots learn, you'll notice that it takes less time to bring applications to market.

The software development landscape is changing. It's essential to make use of the latest development tools to remain competitive in a market with shrinking margins.

Disruptive innovations such as low code software, automation and DevOps, can give your enterprise the ability to compete in an increasingly intense marketplace. As programmers embrace emerging development trends, it will become difficult to compete without them.

About the Author

Emily Snell

Emily is a contributing marketing author at ChamberofCommerce.com where she regularly consults on content strategy and overall topic focus. Emily has spent the last 12 years helping hyper growth startups and well-known brands create content that positions products and services as the solution to a customer's problem.

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